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In many respects the difficult circumstances we find ourselves in have brought families and communities more closely together. Where there is some disagreement though is about the best way to ease or end the current lockdown and how things should get back to normal. There is a broad view on the best way to do it.

The words of the Lord Jesus in this verse are absolute. They are final, decisive – beyond any argument. When it comes to the means by which men, women, boys & girls can find themselves in Heaven, it’s only going to be through Him. Sadly, much like the approach to getting out of lockdown, everyone seems to have their own opinion on which way is best. Popular opinions include, living a good life, doing more right than wrong, giving to charity, not being as ‘bad’ as the next person.

The Lord Jesus has made it clear: no one is going to be in God’s presence other than coming through Him. If it were possible, then His death on the cross of Calvary is redundant. There would have been no need to shed His blood and die in order that God could forgive sin. His rising again from the dead would not have been necessary. The Bible is clear, He accomplished all of these things because no other way to Heaven is possible. No one comes to the Father but by Him.

One thing that does appear like it will remain in place for a long time after restrictions are lifted is social distancing. The need to keep 2 metres apart is forefront of our minds. It illustrates the distance our sin keeps us from God. Actually, the Bible says it’s much more than 2 metres, it’s a great gulf! We are far off from God! Despite any suggestions or arguments we might have, the only way we can be brought near to God (into His presence, into Heaven) is by believing on the Lord Jesus.

The good news is – this approach is for everyone! There’s no partial lift, or entrance for a qualifying few. There’s also no need to wait either, the opportunity is freely available now.

The distance sin keeps us from God has been bridged by blood shed on a cross at Calvary. God has reached out to mankind, we must respond by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. There’s no other way.

The risen Lord Jesus says to you personally today, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but by me.”

If you want to know more, or you would like a free Bible, please feel free to contact us here.